Tuesday, December 31, 2019

2020 Vision

Hello and welcome to the year end edition of Keil’s Comments. As I am writing this, I am almost at tears because we will be on the cusp of a new year/decade (for those of you who argue that tomorrow/next year won’t be the start of a new decade...SHUT UP!)

Anyway, I wanted to look back at the goals I set for this past year and see how I measured up since I wrote them as well as what I can do to maintain the momentum. Without further ado, here we go...

Continue to be the husband that God has called me to be and to improve in my listening and communication skills. (That is still a work in progress...and will continue to be so in this next year)

-- Keep up my weight loss...I'm not going to set a specific number but keep going down one or more pounds at a time. Also to keep up the progress in other areas of my health...  (I did great in that department but gained some weight back toward the end of the year. My goal for 2020 is to lose the weight I regained and keep it off) 

-- Stay involved with Community Renewal and the Red Cross, getting more experiences under my belt. (I got to host a block party this year and hopefully I will do more this next year. I have also gotten to do more with the Red Cross, including being the media guy for our chapter and training to be a DAT supervisor)

-- Be more involved in ministry at Immanuel and be open to where God will lead me there. (I got to go on my first mission trip this year to Ponderosa in Colorado this past August... and will be going back this next year. I am also as I am writing this post excited to be leading the men’s breakfast devotional on 1/11)

-- Be a great employee and do my job as unto the Lord. (I got to start cohosting Tradio and filling in on occasion, also producing high school football. Here’s to more of the same if not even more this next year)

That is all I have for right now. From myself, Sharon, Wanda and Spike, here’s to an amazing 2020!!!

Sunday, December 15, 2019

2019 Not-So-Corny Christmas Letter

Hello everyone and welcome to another fantastic edition of Keil's Comments.

It's the time of year that everyone looks forward to...getting recap letters from friends detailing almost anything and everything that went on in the past year.  Here at Keil's Comments, I don't go quite into detail, but I do my part in the "tradition unlike any other". So without further adieu, here's the 2019 Keil's Comments Christmas Letter.

Dear Friends and Family:

Well, we made it through another great year. Some of the highlights of my year --

I continued making strides in my weight loss. I made it down to 318 before gaining about 20 of it back while on a mission trip in Colorado (more on that later). I made it a goal to get to 200 lbs down and I was so close. I look to get to that goal in 2020...

This year I got to go to Colorado not once but twice. The first time was in June/July when Sharon, her Mom and I went to visit with Joe and his family. We had lots of fun and got to take in a lot of great Colorado scenery, food and great family time.

August was my second visit to Colorado, this time with a group of guys from church as we went to build a new deck on a cabin at Ponderosa just north of Colorado Springs. It was a great experience. I didn't go a lot as far as actually building but I did shoot video of the process (which you can see here)

This year was also the year I started to get to speak to a counselor about anxiety and getting that managed. I do well when I remember to take my medication.

I also this year wrote a list of things I would like to do between now and my 50th birthday in 2021. So far I have one major project knocked down which was to donate to the Clinton Public School Foundation -- we managed to raise $200 for the organization. (If you want to revisit the list, it's on my last post called The (Not Quite) Bucket List)

I also became more involved with the Red Cross this year. I got to help with three smoke alarm campaigns (Shawnee, Ada and Ardmore) and most recently becoming a volunteer spokesman for our chapter. This past Friday (12/13), I went back to Ardmore with our chapter Executive Director to meet with our new CEO Alice Townsend. She was very personable and a very nice lady.

Last but not least -- Sharon, her Mom and I got to host a block party in our neighborhood in September. It was a huge success despite having a little rain. I am planning to do more block parties this next year.

I look forward to doing more of all the above in the new year, as well as hopefully becoming a dad once again.

That is it for now. On behalf of Sharon, Wanda, myself and our dog Spike we would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and may 2020 be one of your best years yet!


Sunday, November 10, 2019

The (Not Quite) Bucket List

Hello and welcome to another edition of Keil's Comments. I'm spending my Sunday multitasking...watching football and making sure Sharon gets a fresh supply of sharpened pencils but right now I'm taking a break to enter this blog post. So let's get crackin'.

If you follow me on Facebook, you may have noticed that I am doing one of their birthday fundraiser things...kinda as a way to pay it forward. I mentioned that it's part of a list of things I am hoping to accomplish before I turn 50 in 2021. Now before you say "ahhh, so you're doing a bucket list", it's not a bucket list!!! A "bucket list" per se is some things you want to accomplish before you die. I'm not planning on going any time soon. I'm either going to hopefully live til I get to be 100 or go when Gabriel blows that trumpet, whichever comes first.

Anyway...here are the things I want to accomplish in the 2 year time frame:

  1. Become a Dad again
  2. Go on an overseas mission trip
  3. Teach a small group
  4. Guest speak to Joe’s Christian Challenge
  5. Be a mentor to someone 
  6. Restart my podcast but maintain my blog
  7. Continue in radio hopefully in a bigger capacity
  8. Be a bariatric or life coach
  9. Do more video content...maybe take videography class at Gordon Cooper
  10.  Write (as in actually putting pen to paper) letters to people who have made a difference in my life
  11.  Walk the 5K part of the OKC Memorial Marathon
  12.  Walk the 5K part of the Williams Route 66 Marathon (Tulsa)
  13.  Walk a 10K (6 miles)
  14.  Go on a Saturday getaway with Sharon at least once a month
  15.  Host more block parties w/ neighbors (2x/year)
  16.  Go on a cruise
  17.  Visit Florida and the Gulf Coast
  18.  Visit Washington DC and Colonial US
  19.  Visit New York City
  20.  Visit California and Hawaii
  21. Take my parents on a vacation with us
  22.  Make a donation to Clinton Public School Foundation
  23.  Go to an Oklahoma Sooner game (football and/or basketball)
  24. Go to a Dallas Cowboys game
  25.  Go to an Oklahoma City Thunder game
  26.  Go to a Texas Rangers or Houston Astros game
  27.  Buy a whole new wardrobe
  28. (Long shot) move to a house with more room to roam

I am starting on 22 on the list right now...and that's the fundraiser going on over on Facebook. As soon as that is done I am going to work on other projects like walking the 5Ks and/or the 10K. I may not complete all these things in the two year period (like the trips) but at least it would be a start...and maybe put those on the other list -- that would be the aforementioned bucket list.

That is about it for now. Guess I will go back to sharpening more pencils.

Until next time...

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Adding More Plates...

Hello and welcome to another edition of Keil's Comments.

I have been busy as of late, especially with my responsibilities at the Red Cross (hence the reason for the title of this blog post). I have been doing a lot of DAT response (Disaster Action Team) and making sure our vehicles are serviced and stuff. Now comes something that goes along with what I do for a living.

I went to the main Red Cross office in Oklahoma City this morning to talk with our Chief Communication Officer (basically the spokesperson for our organization) and expressing my desire to use my radio and blogging/podcasting expertise for the Red Cross.  As a result, she has named me the Volunteer Media Lead for our area which entails South Central and Southeast Oklahoma including Shawnee, Ada, Ardmore, McAlester, Duncan, Davis, Sulphur, etc.

I'll still work for KWSH and One Ten Broadcast Group, but I'll be sharing my talents to other stations and newspapers in our area.

That's about it for now. If you'll excuse me, I got to make sure the plates keep spinning...

Monday, September 2, 2019

Do You Understand What You're Reading? I Think So...

Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of Keil's Comments. Today's post comes out of an "eye-opener moment" for me so allow me to break the 4th Wall, if you will.

Sharon and I are doing a discipleship class at church called "Created for Connection", a marriage class taught by a great couple in our church Larry and Candace Roberts who put on a lot of marriage workshops and things for the church (plus Candace is a tremendous voice in our choir too).  Anyway, we missed the first week due to me being in Tulsa for Red Cross training and Sharon having meetings so we're catching up on reading so we can get back on track. 

I was telling Sharon last Friday as we were driving to OKC that I started to read the book and trying to get caught up.  She asked me if I learned anything from what I read. I couldn't say anything because I couldn't remember. I mean, I underlined (what I thought) were important statements in the book but when it came to the reading comprehension portion of the program, I had the "deer in the headlights" look.

Maybe my mother if she reads this can enlighten me...I don't remember if this occurred when I was in school or not but I felt like I failed, that I was doing good in getting in the material but when it came to putting the proverbial money where my mouth was, all you could hear was crickets chirping.

It's different when it comes to Scripture though...maybe because growing up in church hearing sermons and reading and hearing songs derived from the Bible you can kinda get what they're getting to -- and some of the songs I heard growing up if you hear them today you would think they were just dripping with cheese but to a kid or to someone who's new in the faith it's easy to understand.

In some ways, it reminds me of the story in Acts 8 about the Ethiopian eunuch who was reading a passage from Isaiah and one of the disciples Philip goes to talk to the guy. Philip asks the eunuch "Do you understand what you're reading?" (hence the title of this post) and the eunuch answers "I think so. How can I unless someone guides me?" (RJK paraphrase with a little help from the ESV but you get the idea)

Maybe that's what I need...for Sharon to guide me through the reading parts of the class so when it comes time to put the money where my mouth is, I would be ready.

This class will be going on on Wednesday nights at least through November. Hopefully by the end of the class I will have a better comprehension of how to connect with my wife.

That is it for now. May y'all have an awesome day and I will talk to you next time...

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Managing Anxiety and other thoughts...

Hello everyone and welcome to Keil's Comments.  I have got a lot of stuff to cover so let's get after it, shall we?

Earlier this year I made a video about dealing with anxiety (which you can see above). How have I done in the months since?

Well...I have my days where it gets too much and frustration gets the best of me, especially when I am trying to talk to Sharon about some things -- I'm not saying that Sharon frustrates me, she doesn't. It's when I have a one track mind and the other tracks seem to pop up out of nowhere. I won't name off all the times anxiety and frustration reared its ugly head (some of it did occur while we were on vacation in Colorado) but I am still doing my best to keep it under control. It's just a matter of making sure I take my medication when I am supposed to. Do I? No. But the past week I have been doing good on that route.

I have been undergoing counseling lately for anxiety and other things...there is a wonderful Christian counseling office up the street from my house. I talk to a wonderful lady named Mina. I feel like that has helped as well. She is very understanding and when we talk the time goes by quickly.

Moving on to other topics...

I'm getting ready in a couple of weeks to start another season of high school football coverage. I'll be on the board for the Wewoka Tiger games again, but at least this year I will know what to expect during the games.  Hopefully this year *fingers crossed* Wewoka will at least sneak into the playoffs.

Speaking of football on another level...the news of Indianapolis Colts QB Andrew Luck calling it a career just two weeks before the season starts caught everyone by surprise, including yours truly.  Like most of America, I thought that someone had hacked into Adam Schefter's Twitter feed Saturday night when that came out. But as more and more outlets confirmed the news, it became more clear that he was done playing in the NFL. Now, all the uber Fantasy Football geeks and some sports media idiots like one Douglas Gottlieb, couldn't wrap their head around the fact that someone could just walk away for the sake of their health. And who gives a rat's tail if it affects your fantasy football team this season...there are 31 other quarterbacks you could choose from not counting any backups that might get thrust into action.

That's about all I have for now.  Until next time...

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Vacation Thoughts Part 3 (Finally)

Hello and welcome to the final part of my recap of our vacation to the Gunnison area.

It was fun to get to see all the scenery in the area...going through Lake City to go to Clear Creek Falls.

Then we got on the road home, stopping in Colorado Springs and visiting our good friends Kevin and Michelle Honeycutt, Mom's brother Tom and staying at a bed and breakfast in Fountain, CO.

Although we have been back for about 3 weeks now, I am so looking forward to going back there here in a couple of weeks as I go with a group of men from our church to the Ponderosa camp and build a deck for one of the cabins there.

Yes I will probably do a blog either during the trip or afterward. I am also planning to take video for our media ministry so once that is up and running, I will post the link.

That's about it for now.  Until next time...

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Five Fold Thoughts...

Hello everyone! Time for another edition of Keil's Comments. I'll get back to wrapping up my Colorado Vacation Thoughts later but I wanted to relay thoughts on today's sermon at church and some prevailing thoughts that I have had over the years.

Today my pastor was preaching on Walking with my Gifts out of Ephesians 4:7-16. He touched on the common Five Fold Ministry (or 4 Fold since Pastor and teacher are synonymous but for this blog I'll revert to what I have been taught in all my years in church). Todd touched on the fact that you don't hear much about the apostle and prophet in today's church. This is where my questions take over.

I know in today's Church the term "apostle" is not as prevalent, but my question is if a "Church Planter" would be today's version of an apostle, obviously without going through the trials and persecution that the Apostles of the early Church did.

"Prophet" on the other hand...this is seemingly more prevalent in the Charismatic/Full Gospel/Pentecostal circles, but if a person calls themself a prophet or say that they move in a prophetic ministry, you would want to know their track record and see if they have said anything that had been fulfilled -- or as I heard somebody say one time if a person was "prophesying or prophe-lying".

The other three gifts of the ministry you have definitely heard of if you have been in church for any amount of time. The "evangelist" is probably the most spotlighted of them, especially when their main job description is "blow in, blow up and blow out" and if you may have seen a minute of TBN or any of the other Christian networks on cable or satellite. 

Anyway, I have enjoyed our year long series on going Deeper in our walk with the Lord and Deeper in studying the Bible.

As I mentioned, I will get back to my vacation recap in a few days...just in time to make more Colorado memories as I get ready to go to Ponderosa (Colorado's Falls Creek) in a few weeks.

That's all for now. Until next time...

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Vacation Thoughts Part 2

 Hello and welcome back to Keil’s Comments. We made it back to Shawnee about 10p last night. Due to lack of internet connection, I am just now doing part 2.

As promised, I would give a recap of our side trip to Sharon’s home area (Vail/Edwards/Eagle, etc)

First we drove up to Independence Pass and as you can see below the pictures below, it was a little chilly!!!

Independence Pass tops out at 12,095 feet above sea level... and the views are breathtaking to say the least.

Then...we drove through Aspen (traffic was horrendous so we didn’t do any sightseeing or people watching there) and went on to Sharon’s home area.

We stopped and ate at a Mexican food place that has been in business for 30 years called Fiesta’s. It was great food and very reasonable.

Then Sharon showed me the church her dad pastored in when she was growing up. I already posted some pictures so I will spare the repeat posts.

After a few hours there and seeing other sights like the Interfaith Chapel in Vail where her dad also preached for a time, we spent the night in Leadville and ate dinner there at a place called High Mountain Pies! Sharon and I definitely recommend that place!!!

The next morning we headed back, stopping in St. Elmo and seeing that beautiful town and the chipmunks. And yes as I mentioned when I posted the pictures, the John Parr song was playing in my mental MP3 player.

So much to recap so I will have to do a Part 3 later. 

Until next time...

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Vacation Thoughts Part 1

Hello and welcome to Keil’s Comments, coming to you on location from Gunnison, Colorado.

As I am writing this, I was not totally disconnected from home as I got to watch the first service from IBC...but I am looking forward to hearing my brother in law Joe preach this morning at his church here in Gunnison. The church has graciously let us stay at a house that they have for missionaries to stay in while they are visiting — which saves a lot on motels right there. And it’s conveniently behind the church so we don’t have to go too far!

Since Wednesday my Camera Roll has exploded with lots of pictures...some I have already posted on Facebook. And that’s before Sharon and I take our little side trip to her home area beginning tomorrow. To say that I have been impressed with what I have seen so far is a major league understatement. I am IN AWE with everything so far!!! The main statement that has been repeated this week has been this: How can you see all of the beauty of Colorado and not believe that there is a God?

My mom asked me if I had been bitten by the Colorado bug yet. Initially I said that I have felt a few nibbles. I have a feeling that before we leave to come back to Shawnee, I will have felt a full clampdown! Of course, I will be returning next month to go to Ponderosa camp with some guys from our church so there will definitely be some more bites there.

I will have more thoughts on Wednesday after our trip to Sharon’s home area. Once I get back home I will compile all the pictures I have taken (including some that I haven’t posted yet) into one big photo album.

That is all for now...

Friday, May 17, 2019

For the Class of 2019...

Hello everyone...time for another edition of Keil's Comments.

As we enter into this season where some of us remember our High School graduations while our kids are walking across the stage themselves, I'm bringing to mind a post I wrote 4 years ago in the sense of if I were called upon to give an address to some graduating class somewhere (which would be akin to winning the Powerball or whatever).

Here's what I would say...

To the graduating class of 2019:

Well, kids...you did it!!! Beginning as far back as probably Head Start or Pre-K, fourteen to fifteen years of determination, sacrifice, and hard work have gotten you to where you sit today...with your closest friends in your caps and gowns, waiting for that moment when you walk across this stage, grab your folder, the prompt to change your tassel and be called officially a graduate.  Congratulations!!!

As you close one chapter of your life and start writing the next chapter, whether it be continuing your education at the university of your choice, or serving our country in the armed forces or immediately going into the work force, let me pass along some thoughts to remember.

First and foremost, remember who the Ultimate Boss is.  Proverbs 3:5,6 says "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him (one translation says "in everything you do Put God First...") and He will direct your paths." Make God your top priority and everything else will fall into place.

Secondly...listen to people you can trust.  People like your parents, your grandparents, your Pastor, the elders in the church.  Psalm 1:1,2 (HCSB) "How happy is the man who does not follow the advice of the wicked, or take the path of sinners, or join a group of mockers.  Instead, his delight is in the Lord's instruction, and he meditates on it day and night."

Lastly, while you are striving to succeed in whatever you do from this point forward, it is OK to have some fun every now and again.  I'm reminded of a classic movie quote -- "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."  Maintain a work/fun balance...just don't let one overrun the other too much.

Again, congratulations on making it to this point in your journey.  Keep your eyes on what's ahead, don't look back and most importantly...Put God First!

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Weekend Recap...

Hello everyone and welcome to another Keil's Comments blog.  Let's get to it...

This past weekend was an awesome one. It started Thursday night when Sharon and I along with our friends Matthew and Madeline went to see Avengers: Endgame.  I will avoid to give any spoilers but I will say that it runs the gamut of emotions. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll cheer, your jaw will drop but all in all, it's a great movie!!!

Then as you might have seen by the pictures and videos I posted, I went to Falls Creek (which is a Baptist-owned camp and conference facility in Southern Oklahoma down around Davis) with a few other guys from my church to a men's retreat. It had been my first time in nearly 18 years to be there...and it was awesome! When you hear men sing at the top of their lungs "Oh praise the Name of the Lord our God, Oh praise His Name Forevermore..." it just gets to you. The speakers were tremendous. Former Sooner Tommie Harris knocked his speech out of the park.

Again, if you saw the video I posted, I did a 5K that Saturday morning.  Since Falls Creek sits in the middle of the Arbuckle Mountains, there were definitely a lot of inclines and declines but I took them in stride. After I got done, I hurried and ate a little bit of breakfast (more on that later) and got showered before I started the breakout sessions. I was running late so I didn't get a chance to go to one of the breakout sessions I wanted to go to but the one I did was awesome. It was the session where I got to hear from former Clemson coach Tommy Bowden (his dad Bobby was sitting in the first session before he had to go get ready to speak in the main session that morning). Both Coaches Bowden are great gentlemen and legends. The pics I took with them was done between the first and second session. I can see why the person who is the head of the BGCO Men's Ministry, another former Sooner Bubba Burcham invited them (not just because of the football aspect).

Overall, the retreat was a great experience and I've already called my shot to go back next year.

That's about it for now...

Saturday, March 30, 2019

God's Other Greatest Gift...

I'm having one of those moments where certain events of life are hitting me right in the feels.

Mom and Sharon are watching a movie on one of the Hallmark movie channels where the plot is that there's a group of kids coming into town needing homes and it's punching me in my slimmer stomach.

As some of you may know, Sharon and I have been trying since we got married to start our own family.  It's a matter of God's timing and getting the ingredients together --  in that order.  We have also been looking at adopting embryos and they aren't exactly like going to Walmart and picking up a dozen at a relatively inexpensive price.  In most cases, they go way past the average monthly budget of an educator and a broadcaster combined (once the regular bills have been paid). Yesterday, we got a call that there was an embryo available for us but since we didn't have the funds readily available, they moved on to the next person on the list.

As I'm sitting here typing out this post, I'm overwhelmed with emotion. I want to cry outwardly but nothing is coming out.  I had to leave from watching the aforementioned movie because of it and I'm doing this as way to vent my both my frustration and my lamentation.

I chose the title of this post for a reason. Sharon and I both accepted God's first Greatest Gift: the Gift of Salvation through Christ.  We've been praying and wanting the other Greatest Gift -- the gift of a child that we brought forth -- for two years now and we're still waiting. I know God works on His timetable, but dadgum it CAN HE SPEED UP THE PROCESS JUST A LITTLE BIT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

It's Very Academic...

Hello everyone and welcome to Keil's Comments.

Before we begin, I want to let everyone know that I have a Patreon page up and running...and as of this writing, no one has stepped up to be a Patron. I don't know if it's because of the vagueness of "creating thoughts about life" or what.  If you would like to help, go to this link

Now on to the business at hand --

As I mentioned in the last post, I am participating in our church's IBC Academy and learning about all the nuances of the New Testament...how it came to be and so forth.  Our first quiz was last Wednesday and unfortunately I didn't do so well on it. This week we're studying Matthew...it's going to be fun.

My journey into this class has got me to thinking about possibly going back to school myself. I am looking at possibly taking some classes at Seminole State which is close to my house and I drive by it on the way to the radio station. I have also started to look at possibly Rose State (which does have something close to what I do and what I have been wanting to go to school for which is mass communication) and I also remember Mid-American Christian University has communications courses. Several different ways to go...just want to make sure I make the right choice.

That's about it for now...until next time.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Going Deeper: Studying through Scripture

Hello everyone and welcome to another high-quality edition of Keil's Comments.  Let's get right to it, shall we?

This year my church is using the theme "Deeper" in an effort for us to grow in our comprehension of the Scriptures.  One of the ways we're doing that is a college-level class on Wednesday nights on studying the New Testament taught by our pastor.  I have been going to this class and it's been interesting to see why the books that comprise the NT were selected and the interpretations from when they were first written to today.

This past Wednesday, we learned about the hermeneutics of studying the New Testament (and we'll learn more about the hermeneutics itself later in the year). It's a lot of information...too much to put on this blog and a lot wordier.

While I am looking forward to the discussion next Wednesday on "The Search for the Historical Jesus" and other things, I am not looking forward to the quiz that will be given.  It's been a little bit since I've taken any kind of test (the ones I took in broadcast school were loads easier) but I will go into this and do my best.

That's all I have for now.  But there is one more thing before I close this out...

We now have a Patreon account up and running.  For those who don't know about Patreon, it's a crowdfunding site where it kinda runs like Public Television. The "patrons" pledge to give you so much a month so you can provide content and possibly expand what you do, like make videos and so forth.

Check it out here.

Now...we're done. Until next time...