Saturday, March 30, 2019

God's Other Greatest Gift...

I'm having one of those moments where certain events of life are hitting me right in the feels.

Mom and Sharon are watching a movie on one of the Hallmark movie channels where the plot is that there's a group of kids coming into town needing homes and it's punching me in my slimmer stomach.

As some of you may know, Sharon and I have been trying since we got married to start our own family.  It's a matter of God's timing and getting the ingredients together --  in that order.  We have also been looking at adopting embryos and they aren't exactly like going to Walmart and picking up a dozen at a relatively inexpensive price.  In most cases, they go way past the average monthly budget of an educator and a broadcaster combined (once the regular bills have been paid). Yesterday, we got a call that there was an embryo available for us but since we didn't have the funds readily available, they moved on to the next person on the list.

As I'm sitting here typing out this post, I'm overwhelmed with emotion. I want to cry outwardly but nothing is coming out.  I had to leave from watching the aforementioned movie because of it and I'm doing this as way to vent my both my frustration and my lamentation.

I chose the title of this post for a reason. Sharon and I both accepted God's first Greatest Gift: the Gift of Salvation through Christ.  We've been praying and wanting the other Greatest Gift -- the gift of a child that we brought forth -- for two years now and we're still waiting. I know God works on His timetable, but dadgum it CAN HE SPEED UP THE PROCESS JUST A LITTLE BIT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!