Sunday, July 28, 2019

Vacation Thoughts Part 3 (Finally)

Hello and welcome to the final part of my recap of our vacation to the Gunnison area.

It was fun to get to see all the scenery in the area...going through Lake City to go to Clear Creek Falls.

Then we got on the road home, stopping in Colorado Springs and visiting our good friends Kevin and Michelle Honeycutt, Mom's brother Tom and staying at a bed and breakfast in Fountain, CO.

Although we have been back for about 3 weeks now, I am so looking forward to going back there here in a couple of weeks as I go with a group of men from our church to the Ponderosa camp and build a deck for one of the cabins there.

Yes I will probably do a blog either during the trip or afterward. I am also planning to take video for our media ministry so once that is up and running, I will post the link.

That's about it for now.  Until next time...

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Five Fold Thoughts...

Hello everyone! Time for another edition of Keil's Comments. I'll get back to wrapping up my Colorado Vacation Thoughts later but I wanted to relay thoughts on today's sermon at church and some prevailing thoughts that I have had over the years.

Today my pastor was preaching on Walking with my Gifts out of Ephesians 4:7-16. He touched on the common Five Fold Ministry (or 4 Fold since Pastor and teacher are synonymous but for this blog I'll revert to what I have been taught in all my years in church). Todd touched on the fact that you don't hear much about the apostle and prophet in today's church. This is where my questions take over.

I know in today's Church the term "apostle" is not as prevalent, but my question is if a "Church Planter" would be today's version of an apostle, obviously without going through the trials and persecution that the Apostles of the early Church did.

"Prophet" on the other hand...this is seemingly more prevalent in the Charismatic/Full Gospel/Pentecostal circles, but if a person calls themself a prophet or say that they move in a prophetic ministry, you would want to know their track record and see if they have said anything that had been fulfilled -- or as I heard somebody say one time if a person was "prophesying or prophe-lying".

The other three gifts of the ministry you have definitely heard of if you have been in church for any amount of time. The "evangelist" is probably the most spotlighted of them, especially when their main job description is "blow in, blow up and blow out" and if you may have seen a minute of TBN or any of the other Christian networks on cable or satellite. 

Anyway, I have enjoyed our year long series on going Deeper in our walk with the Lord and Deeper in studying the Bible.

As I mentioned, I will get back to my vacation recap in a few days...just in time to make more Colorado memories as I get ready to go to Ponderosa (Colorado's Falls Creek) in a few weeks.

That's all for now. Until next time...

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Vacation Thoughts Part 2

 Hello and welcome back to Keil’s Comments. We made it back to Shawnee about 10p last night. Due to lack of internet connection, I am just now doing part 2.

As promised, I would give a recap of our side trip to Sharon’s home area (Vail/Edwards/Eagle, etc)

First we drove up to Independence Pass and as you can see below the pictures below, it was a little chilly!!!

Independence Pass tops out at 12,095 feet above sea level... and the views are breathtaking to say the least.

Then...we drove through Aspen (traffic was horrendous so we didn’t do any sightseeing or people watching there) and went on to Sharon’s home area.

We stopped and ate at a Mexican food place that has been in business for 30 years called Fiesta’s. It was great food and very reasonable.

Then Sharon showed me the church her dad pastored in when she was growing up. I already posted some pictures so I will spare the repeat posts.

After a few hours there and seeing other sights like the Interfaith Chapel in Vail where her dad also preached for a time, we spent the night in Leadville and ate dinner there at a place called High Mountain Pies! Sharon and I definitely recommend that place!!!

The next morning we headed back, stopping in St. Elmo and seeing that beautiful town and the chipmunks. And yes as I mentioned when I posted the pictures, the John Parr song was playing in my mental MP3 player.

So much to recap so I will have to do a Part 3 later. 

Until next time...