Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Les Miser-Rob...

My apologies for the awful pun there, but it's something I feel like I need to address.  This is one of those "raw emotion" posts so bear with me...


Looking at the pics from the Valentine's Banquet last Friday...even though I had a great time, I still felt like there was something missing.  I didn't have anyone there with me to get "Lost in the '50s" with...

I know, hate is such a strong word but in this case it fits, because I absolutely hate not having that girl I can call in a moment's notice and say "let's go to the park" or bounce blog ideas off of or enjoy a movie or concert with or, most importantly, pray and read the Word with on a daily basis. 

I do have friends who are females that would qualify, but most of them live outside a 50 mile radius of Clinton...in Mangum. Oklahoma City. Tulsa area. McAlester area. Little Rock. Not like I can get in the car and be at their house in a minute or less.  And some that I know here locally...we grew up together so they know how I was raised and how I "tick" for the most part.  

I know it's easy to say "trust God and wait on Him for your mate", but as I've found out (the hard way)...if you find someone and they basically treat you like crap, it takes a long time to regain any sort of trust to ensure you don't want that to happen to you ever again!

Again, I'm just putting this out there...laying the cards on the table so to speak.  Until next time...

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