Sunday, January 26, 2014

Today's Episode: On Christ the Solid Rock I stand...

For those who may know me through Tumblr or the Radio Dead Air chat, please bear with me for a few minutes as I share some things that are on my heart.  

Most all of us have had a little over 24 hours to digest and to think about and talk about what all went on as far as processing the sudden passing of Justin aka JewWario.  Lindsey touched on something that struck a chord with me.  She talked about different coping strategies.  I'm going to share mine for a few minutes.  I do want to preface by saying that I realize that some people may not espouse the same beliefs as I do and that's fine.  I am not one to bop you over the head with a Thompson Chain Reference Bible and say "Thus Saith the Lord" and sound like a backwoods Kentucky preacher.  I do though want to share how I have coped with this so far.

This morning, as I have done every Sunday morning for as long as I can remember since I was a child, I got up and went to the church just down the street from my house.  It's a church that I've called my church home for a little over a year now and I must say that I am comfortable being in that church and fellowshiping with other brothers and sisters.  

In good times, in bad times, as the old hymn states, "whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say 'it is well, it is well with my soul'".  Is it hard, on days like this weekend, to say "God I'm leaning on You to help me through this situation"?  You know it.  Do I?  Most of the time.  Am I saying I'm the perfect Christian?  No.  There has only been one perfect person walking the Earth that I know of, they nailed Him to a cross.  But He didn't stay there.  Right now He's seated at the right hand of the Father praying for us.

Again, I am sharing with you how I have dealt with this in my own life.  You may be dealing with it in other ways.  It's not my place to say whether you're doing right or wrong.  If anyone does want to talk with me, I'm open.  My Skype ID is rjkeil38.  If you're not friends with me on Facebook, look me up.  I am @ rjkeil on Twitter.  Feel free to cuss, discuss and cuss some more.  I promise...I won't use a Bible as Mjolnir!!!

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