Sunday, November 10, 2019

The (Not Quite) Bucket List

Hello and welcome to another edition of Keil's Comments. I'm spending my Sunday multitasking...watching football and making sure Sharon gets a fresh supply of sharpened pencils but right now I'm taking a break to enter this blog post. So let's get crackin'.

If you follow me on Facebook, you may have noticed that I am doing one of their birthday fundraiser things...kinda as a way to pay it forward. I mentioned that it's part of a list of things I am hoping to accomplish before I turn 50 in 2021. Now before you say "ahhh, so you're doing a bucket list", it's not a bucket list!!! A "bucket list" per se is some things you want to accomplish before you die. I'm not planning on going any time soon. I'm either going to hopefully live til I get to be 100 or go when Gabriel blows that trumpet, whichever comes first. are the things I want to accomplish in the 2 year time frame:

  1. Become a Dad again
  2. Go on an overseas mission trip
  3. Teach a small group
  4. Guest speak to Joe’s Christian Challenge
  5. Be a mentor to someone 
  6. Restart my podcast but maintain my blog
  7. Continue in radio hopefully in a bigger capacity
  8. Be a bariatric or life coach
  9. Do more video content...maybe take videography class at Gordon Cooper
  10.  Write (as in actually putting pen to paper) letters to people who have made a difference in my life
  11.  Walk the 5K part of the OKC Memorial Marathon
  12.  Walk the 5K part of the Williams Route 66 Marathon (Tulsa)
  13.  Walk a 10K (6 miles)
  14.  Go on a Saturday getaway with Sharon at least once a month
  15.  Host more block parties w/ neighbors (2x/year)
  16.  Go on a cruise
  17.  Visit Florida and the Gulf Coast
  18.  Visit Washington DC and Colonial US
  19.  Visit New York City
  20.  Visit California and Hawaii
  21. Take my parents on a vacation with us
  22.  Make a donation to Clinton Public School Foundation
  23.  Go to an Oklahoma Sooner game (football and/or basketball)
  24. Go to a Dallas Cowboys game
  25.  Go to an Oklahoma City Thunder game
  26.  Go to a Texas Rangers or Houston Astros game
  27.  Buy a whole new wardrobe
  28. (Long shot) move to a house with more room to roam

I am starting on 22 on the list right now...and that's the fundraiser going on over on Facebook. As soon as that is done I am going to work on other projects like walking the 5Ks and/or the 10K. I may not complete all these things in the two year period (like the trips) but at least it would be a start...and maybe put those on the other list -- that would be the aforementioned bucket list.

That is about it for now. Guess I will go back to sharpening more pencils.

Until next time...

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