Sunday, November 10, 2019

The (Not Quite) Bucket List

Hello and welcome to another edition of Keil's Comments. I'm spending my Sunday multitasking...watching football and making sure Sharon gets a fresh supply of sharpened pencils but right now I'm taking a break to enter this blog post. So let's get crackin'.

If you follow me on Facebook, you may have noticed that I am doing one of their birthday fundraiser things...kinda as a way to pay it forward. I mentioned that it's part of a list of things I am hoping to accomplish before I turn 50 in 2021. Now before you say "ahhh, so you're doing a bucket list", it's not a bucket list!!! A "bucket list" per se is some things you want to accomplish before you die. I'm not planning on going any time soon. I'm either going to hopefully live til I get to be 100 or go when Gabriel blows that trumpet, whichever comes first. are the things I want to accomplish in the 2 year time frame:

  1. Become a Dad again
  2. Go on an overseas mission trip
  3. Teach a small group
  4. Guest speak to Joe’s Christian Challenge
  5. Be a mentor to someone 
  6. Restart my podcast but maintain my blog
  7. Continue in radio hopefully in a bigger capacity
  8. Be a bariatric or life coach
  9. Do more video content...maybe take videography class at Gordon Cooper
  10.  Write (as in actually putting pen to paper) letters to people who have made a difference in my life
  11.  Walk the 5K part of the OKC Memorial Marathon
  12.  Walk the 5K part of the Williams Route 66 Marathon (Tulsa)
  13.  Walk a 10K (6 miles)
  14.  Go on a Saturday getaway with Sharon at least once a month
  15.  Host more block parties w/ neighbors (2x/year)
  16.  Go on a cruise
  17.  Visit Florida and the Gulf Coast
  18.  Visit Washington DC and Colonial US
  19.  Visit New York City
  20.  Visit California and Hawaii
  21. Take my parents on a vacation with us
  22.  Make a donation to Clinton Public School Foundation
  23.  Go to an Oklahoma Sooner game (football and/or basketball)
  24. Go to a Dallas Cowboys game
  25.  Go to an Oklahoma City Thunder game
  26.  Go to a Texas Rangers or Houston Astros game
  27.  Buy a whole new wardrobe
  28. (Long shot) move to a house with more room to roam

I am starting on 22 on the list right now...and that's the fundraiser going on over on Facebook. As soon as that is done I am going to work on other projects like walking the 5Ks and/or the 10K. I may not complete all these things in the two year period (like the trips) but at least it would be a start...and maybe put those on the other list -- that would be the aforementioned bucket list.

That is about it for now. Guess I will go back to sharpening more pencils.

Until next time...

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Adding More Plates...

Hello and welcome to another edition of Keil's Comments.

I have been busy as of late, especially with my responsibilities at the Red Cross (hence the reason for the title of this blog post). I have been doing a lot of DAT response (Disaster Action Team) and making sure our vehicles are serviced and stuff. Now comes something that goes along with what I do for a living.

I went to the main Red Cross office in Oklahoma City this morning to talk with our Chief Communication Officer (basically the spokesperson for our organization) and expressing my desire to use my radio and blogging/podcasting expertise for the Red Cross.  As a result, she has named me the Volunteer Media Lead for our area which entails South Central and Southeast Oklahoma including Shawnee, Ada, Ardmore, McAlester, Duncan, Davis, Sulphur, etc.

I'll still work for KWSH and One Ten Broadcast Group, but I'll be sharing my talents to other stations and newspapers in our area.

That's about it for now. If you'll excuse me, I got to make sure the plates keep spinning...