Monday, September 2, 2019

Do You Understand What You're Reading? I Think So...

Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of Keil's Comments. Today's post comes out of an "eye-opener moment" for me so allow me to break the 4th Wall, if you will.

Sharon and I are doing a discipleship class at church called "Created for Connection", a marriage class taught by a great couple in our church Larry and Candace Roberts who put on a lot of marriage workshops and things for the church (plus Candace is a tremendous voice in our choir too).  Anyway, we missed the first week due to me being in Tulsa for Red Cross training and Sharon having meetings so we're catching up on reading so we can get back on track. 

I was telling Sharon last Friday as we were driving to OKC that I started to read the book and trying to get caught up.  She asked me if I learned anything from what I read. I couldn't say anything because I couldn't remember. I mean, I underlined (what I thought) were important statements in the book but when it came to the reading comprehension portion of the program, I had the "deer in the headlights" look.

Maybe my mother if she reads this can enlighten me...I don't remember if this occurred when I was in school or not but I felt like I failed, that I was doing good in getting in the material but when it came to putting the proverbial money where my mouth was, all you could hear was crickets chirping.

It's different when it comes to Scripture though...maybe because growing up in church hearing sermons and reading and hearing songs derived from the Bible you can kinda get what they're getting to -- and some of the songs I heard growing up if you hear them today you would think they were just dripping with cheese but to a kid or to someone who's new in the faith it's easy to understand.

In some ways, it reminds me of the story in Acts 8 about the Ethiopian eunuch who was reading a passage from Isaiah and one of the disciples Philip goes to talk to the guy. Philip asks the eunuch "Do you understand what you're reading?" (hence the title of this post) and the eunuch answers "I think so. How can I unless someone guides me?" (RJK paraphrase with a little help from the ESV but you get the idea)

Maybe that's what I need...for Sharon to guide me through the reading parts of the class so when it comes time to put the money where my mouth is, I would be ready.

This class will be going on on Wednesday nights at least through November. Hopefully by the end of the class I will have a better comprehension of how to connect with my wife.

That is it for now. May y'all have an awesome day and I will talk to you next time...

1 comment:

  1. I did the same thing in school. I would know the answer but when called on it would go right out of my head, making me feel dumb. I think it used to be called test anxiety.
