Now to the subject at hand, knowing that this will probably look dated in a few years.
I have had loads of thoughts rolling through my brain regarding what's going on with the coronavirus, or as a YouTuber I follow calls it "Human Malware" because if you say the CV word, YouTube demonitizes the video for some stupid reason. Anyway...I have seen lots of comments on it, especially when it comes to blaming the media for supposedly "overblowing" coverage and making it sound apocalyptic. Let me defer to someone who actually kinda knows what he's talking about...former Tulsa radio newscaster John Durkee.
“This is being overblown.” Maybe. Time will tell. However, sometimes you have to slap people upside the head to get their attention. You are much more likely to get the seasonal flu, but the mortality rate is higher for Covid-19. Do the math. far as "the media" goes, odds are you're listening to State-run Television aka Fox News Channel. If you follow any of the network newscasts or even local news (whether it's our local folks in OKC or elsewhere around the country), you're going to at least get it straight. Once you get to CNN or MSNBC or the aforementioned Fox News you're going to run into either the doomsday prophets or those who think this is one big joke (ie followers of our illustrious POTUS)
Another thought that people have that I want to address...there was a meme that there was no panic about H1N1 or Ebola like there is with the current "Human Malware". Did you ever stop to think that maybe back when H1N1 and Ebola were around that Facebook/Twitter and all the socials were in their infancy and people hadn't developed their lack of intelligence in regards to this? Also, there were actually folks at the CDC that were nipping them in the bud...the same folks who would have done that this go around but they got fired two years ago because of said POTUS.
There's more I want to say but at this point I've probably rambled long enough. I'll do another go around at another time. Until then, take care of yourself, your family, and your neighbors.