Friday, June 29, 2018

For my Journalist friends...

Welcome to this edition of Keil’s Comments. The following post is mainly directed at the people I follow that brings us the latest on what’s going on locally and elsewhere.

After the news came out about the shooting at the newspaper in Annapolis and seeing y’all come to the defense of your colleagues, I thought that I would make my voice speak up as one who views and reads your work and address those especially in the current Administration who think y’all are the enemy.

I follow a lot of y’all on Social Media and I would consider most of y’all friends. When you hurt, I hurt for you as well. When you rejoice, I’ll rejoice with you. When a troll bags on you for some stupid reason, I come with encouragement. It makes me upset when those idiots who are followers of the Pied Piper of Pennsylvania Avenue want to attack you for simply doing your job.

I would like to remind those clowns that the real enemy isn’t the Annapolis Capital Gazzette or NewsOK or anybody working in local or network TV news!

“For we not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12 with added emphasis by me).

To use a marketing phrase by our local FOX station, “I’ve got your back”. Y’all can always count on me to laugh with you, cry with you, pray for you and rejoice with you!!!

My thoughts and prayers go to the families of those affected by the shooting in Annapolis.