Tuesday, December 25, 2018

The Paradox of Christmas

Hello and Merry Christmas everyone!!! I thought for this edition of Keil’s Comments I would share with y’all something my pastor Todd Fisher taught us this past Sunday.

As you’re reading the Christmas story from Luke 2 there are several paradoxes as you go along...

  1. Jesus underwent a human birth that we might have a Spiritual birth (Luke 2:11; John 1:12)
  2. Jesus took His place in a manger in a stable so that we might have Heavenly homes (Luke 2:7; John 14:2)
  3. Jesus became a member of a human family so that we might become members of the Family of God (Matthew 2:11; Galatians 3:26)
  4. Jesus made Himself subject to others so that we, through the power of the Holy Spirit at work within us, might be made free (Luke 2:51; Galatians 5:1)
  5. Jesus laid His glory aside that we might receive glory (Philippians 2:6,7; 1 Peter 5:4)
  6. Jesus laid aside His riches and became poor so that we might spiritually become rich from our poverty (Matthew 8:20; 2 Corinthians 8:9)
  7. At His birth, Jesus was attended by shepherds. At our spiritual birth, we are attended by angels (Luke 2:16; 15:10)
  8. At His birth, Jesus was pursued by an evil leader. In His death, Jesus defeated the ultimate evil leader  Satan (Matthew 2:13; Hebrews 2:14,15)
I thought that was neat...something I hadn’t really thought about.

Merry Christmas everyone!!! Until next time...

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Christmas 2018 Thoughts...

Hello everyone and welcome to Keil's Comments.  

It's time for my annual tradition unlike any other...my not-so-corny traditional Christmas letter.

This year has been a year of good changes here at Casa de Keil Shawnee...if you've followed me on social media throughout the year, you can about guess what I will be talking about.

This year my primary focus was on my health...I started my weight loss journey in March, culminating with my surgery in October.  At the start of the journey, I weighed 510 lbs. As of this writing, I am down to 406 lbs...that's a grand total of 104 lbs and counting.  By the end of the year I hope to get to sub-400 for the first time in a long time. Just think, when I go to renew my drivers license next year, I won't have to lie about my weight *wink wink*

Sharon has also been on a weight loss journey of her own with Weight Watchers and (also as of this writing) losing over 75 lbs and counting. Between the two of us, that's about as much as a whole person. Wanda, my mother in law has been losing through Weight Watchers also.  

My legs are getting much better...we hope to be fully healed by the end of the year so I won't have to keep my leg wrapped all the time.

Another good change this year was the addition of a couple of family members...our oldest daughter Elizabeth and her fiance' Bronson got married this summer where they live in Hot Springs. The other family member came just a few weeks ago when Elizabeth gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Erza Starr. At last check Mom, Dad and Erza are doing real well.

This year, I got to go back to work in radio producing HS football games for one of the stations in the area.  It was fun on Friday nights working my games while still keeping tabs on the Red Tornadoes...if only Wewoka had a better record than they did.

I have gotten more involved with Community Renewal this year...trying to be more active as a block leader in my neighborhood.  I've also been involved with the local Red Cross chapter here in Shawnee...the person who heads the chapter has also had gastric sleeve surgery so he knows what I've been going through.

Now that we're almost closing out 2018 and getting ready to welcome 2019, my goals for the new year are as follows (notice I didn't say "resolutions"):

-- Continue to be the husband that God has called me to be and to improve in my listening and communication skills. 

-- Keep up my weight loss...I'm not going to set a specific number but keep going down one or more pounds at a time. Also to keep up the progress in other areas of my health...

-- Stay involved with Community Renewal and the Red Cross, getting more experiences under my belt.

-- Be more involved in ministry at Immanuel and be open to where God will lead me there.

-- Be a great employee and do my job as unto the Lord.

That is about it for now.  Sharon, Wanda and I (and the doggies) wish you all the best this Christmas and may 2019 be the best year for you and your family

Friday, June 29, 2018

For my Journalist friends...

Welcome to this edition of Keil’s Comments. The following post is mainly directed at the people I follow that brings us the latest on what’s going on locally and elsewhere.

After the news came out about the shooting at the newspaper in Annapolis and seeing y’all come to the defense of your colleagues, I thought that I would make my voice speak up as one who views and reads your work and address those especially in the current Administration who think y’all are the enemy.

I follow a lot of y’all on Social Media and I would consider most of y’all friends. When you hurt, I hurt for you as well. When you rejoice, I’ll rejoice with you. When a troll bags on you for some stupid reason, I come with encouragement. It makes me upset when those idiots who are followers of the Pied Piper of Pennsylvania Avenue want to attack you for simply doing your job.

I would like to remind those clowns that the real enemy isn’t the Annapolis Capital Gazzette or NewsOK or anybody working in local or network TV news!

“For we not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12 with added emphasis by me).

To use a marketing phrase by our local FOX station, “I’ve got your back”. Y’all can always count on me to laugh with you, cry with you, pray for you and rejoice with you!!!

My thoughts and prayers go to the families of those affected by the shooting in Annapolis.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Close Cover Before Striking

Hello everyone and welcome to the 100th Keil's Comments blog post. I was going to talk about this particular subject on the podcast but I don't think it can wait to get recorded.

There has been overwhelming chatter on the interwebs and on the news (like this story from News 9) about a move from the Oklahoma Education Association to a possible statewide school shutdown on April 2 if the State Legislature doesn't do their part and get something done to raise teachers' pay. Meanwhile, the Legislature is trying to do what they can to make sure a strike doesn't happen (here's another story from News 9).

And come to find out...we've been down this road before.  What's that old saying, "Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it." Let's hit the wayback machine to my senior year of high school -- 1990.  Once again from KWTV... Oklahoma educators moving closer to strike for first time since 1990

As I have stated many times on this blog and on the podcast, I have a vested interest in this subject both as a product of public school and as the spouse of an educator.  I am holding out hope that the folks at 23rd and Lincoln can get their collective heads together and do something!!! But if push comes to shove and the teachers do go on strike, if they'll let me I will be standing by Sharon's side. Yeah it may put a crimp in our financial situation, but I will do whatever it takes to help my wife and her colleagues make their voice heard!!!

That's about all I have for now...until next time.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Jesus Heals (but so does a Z-Pack)

Hello everyone! Time for another Keil's Comments blog post.  Just something to get off of my chest.

You've no doubt seen either on the newscasts or on Social Media a well known Full Gospel/Charismatic evangelist who will remain nameless claiming that we don't need to get a flu shot because Jesus paid the price for our healing and took the flu upon Him when He was on the cross (or something to that effect).

In the interest of full disclosure, I must preface my comments by saying that my brother, sister and I grew up in that environment and that teaching was pretty much a part of the doctrine of the particular church we attended. While I still believe that God can and will heal you if you ask in faith, you also need to use a dash of common sense and go get the flu shot!!! This year has already been one for the record books healthwise across the nation as far as the flu goes. In Oklahoma alone, nearly 130 people have died due to flu complications...and I just saw a story in the Shawnee News-Star where doctors have said that the stomach flu is getting to be bad too. 

So contrary to that particular opinion, Jesus may ultimately be the Great Physician...but it never hurts to use your head and go see your actual doctor!!!  Also, do all the precautions to keep from getting sick in the first place...wash your hands, cover your cough/sneeze, etc.  I've already been sick twice this year, I don't need to do another round...but I know that in the event it happens again, I'll go see my nurse prac and pray for my healing AT THE SAME TIME!!!

That's it for this edition.  I'll get started on Episode 2018-3 of the podcast soon. Until next time...