Saturday, December 30, 2017

My Goals for 2018

“Then the Lord said to me, “Write my answer plainly on tablets, so that a runner can carry the correct message to others.”
‭‭Habakkuk‬ ‭2:2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of the blog. Hope everyone is doing their best to stay warm this weekend.

You notice that the title of this entry is “My Goals for 2018” and not “My Resolutions”. While it would be easy to write “resolutions”, let’s be realistic here...when it comes to New Years, people make such lofty goals that they either forget about them after a couple of weeks or don’t act on them at all.

With that in mind, here are some goals that I would like to achieve in 2018 (with God’s and y’all’s help)...

  1. To grow in my role as a husband and priest of my home and follow Christ’s example of loving His bride, the Church.
  2. To expand in ministry and to listen to God’s voice.
  3. To attain and sustain a healthy weight, even if it does include weight loss surgery. Notice I didn’t write a specific number here.
  4. To not be easily frustrated over small things and to not “beat myself up” every time things don’t go the way I expect them to.
I am sure that there will be other goals that will come to mind, but these are the four main ones.

I am getting ready to restart the podcast... I got some of the production elements laid down already. Hope to have the first new episode up soon.

Here’s to a great 2018...until next time.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Christmas Letter 2017

Dear Friends and Family:

Greetings from Casa de Keil -- Shawnee. It is time for that tradition unlike any other -- my not-so-corny take on the Christmas Letter.  Without further ado, here we go...

Obviously 2017 has been a great year, with Sharon and I getting married being on the top of the list. Looking back it was one of if not the best day of my life. I am very thankful that I finally have my helpmate and I look forward to many wonderful years with her and her family.

But this year was also kind of a bummer year...this past May we lost our uncle Kenneth due to a heart attack. Since then, all of us have been on top of our health to keep everything in check...but it hasn't been without an occasional trip to the ER. We changed my wound care doctor not long after getting back from our honeymoon and we've been making lots more progress than we would have had we stayed at Deaconess. A couple of months ago, I went to a vein specialist and he recommended looking into some weight loss surgery as one way to alleviate some of the lymphedema.  As of this writing, I am scheduled to consult with a weight loss surgeon on December 21.  Hopefully, in 2018 I'll be singing after surgery "I'm a new creation...I'm a brand new man."

Sharon seems to enjoy her job this year -- in case you may have forgotten, she moved from teaching 2nd graders in Moore to 4th graders in Harrah.  Without divulging too much information, she is not as stressful and at her wit's end when she comes home.  Plus, she has great support from the kids' parents...and that's always a plus!!!

I've managed to keep myself busy...when I'm not helping Sharon's mom with what she needs around the house, I have a little job in which I go and inspect properties for mortgage companies around the Shawnee area. I only get paid so much per house, but at least I get a lot of time to myself, listen to either music or The Franchise (sports station) while driving from house to house. It's not to say I am not continuing to pursue full time ministry, I am still doing that...just don't want my hands to be idling while doing so.

I am looking forward to what is in store for us in 2018.  Last year I prayed that God would grant us health and happiness for our families.  I pray that again for this year. I also pray that I can be the husband that God has called me to be and that I can love my bride the way Christ loves His Bride -- the Church. I continue to pray that Sharon can continue to strive to be the Proverbs 31 woman that she is.  I pray that my inherited daughters, Elizabeth and Matea (Sarah) continue to be great women and they love and serve their families with God's grace and favor. I also pray that Sharon's mom Wanda grows in her faith and continues to be the great pillar that Sharon and I can lean on for Godly wisdom.

I also pray that this year Sharon and I can be blessed with a healthy, beautiful child of our own...I know we would be akin to Abraham and Sarah but it has been a desire of our hearts since we got married.

All that being said, I pray that you have a very wonderful and Merry Christmas and may God's best be yours and have a prosperous 2018.

Until next time...