There is a phrase that I use a lot that may not make sense with a lot of people, but once you get the premise hopefully you understand what I try to get at.
I use the phrase "practicing Christian" to describe my relationship and walk with Christ, much like a doctor would say he or she is "practicing medicine" or an attorney would be "practicing law". You no doubt have heard the old adage "Practice makes Perfect". Have the doctors and lawyers perfected their profession? No. Otherwise, we would have a cure for cancer or any other major illness or see criminals become permanent residents of the prison system without them burning appeal after appeal (at taxpayer expense, I might add).
You can say that in some ways we are "practicing Christians". Even the Apostle Paul thinks of himself in that matter.
"Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect; but I press on to make it my own because Christ Jesus has made me His own. Brethren, I do not consider that I have made it my own; but one thing I do, forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the Upward call of God in Christ Jesus." -- Philippians 3:12-14 (Revised Standard Version)
If I have said that I have perfected my relationship with Christ, I would be lying and most everyone that knows me would tell you that. Have I slipped up in my walk with Christ? Uhhh, yeah! Do I take pride in that? No, that would be very stupid on my part.
I have just recently become among the ranks of the wedded. Am I the "perfect husband"? Not hardly. I wouldn't rank myself among the great Dads of television lore like Ward Cleaver, John Walton or Cliff Huxtable. (I know that's a stretch, but bear with me) I do what I can to be a great husband and a great father and grandfather. Yes, I am going to make mistakes. To quote a popular song from the 80's by the Human League, "I'm only human". Trust me, If I was the "perfect husband", my wife Teresa and I would be a lot better off than we are now. Then again, if I were to take a survey of the couples who live in the Rolling Hills area of Clinton, I can bet that not one of them would say they have the "perfect marriage" but that they are working hard to make it so.
This isn't aimed at one particular person...I was just getting some thoughts off my chest and giving you something to think about.